This Equal Opportunities Policy Statement is designed to implement the commitment of The Artroom to Equal Opportunities. It is the responsibility of every team member to ensure his or her own conduct conforms to the expected standards and reflects these Policy Statements. The aim of the policy is to encourage understanding and respect amongst individuals so as to promote good working practices.
The Artroom values the individual contribution of people irrespective of gender, age, marital status, race, colour, religion, disability, sexuality, ethnic or national origin.
All team members and students will be treated with dignity and respect. The Artroom will use its best endeavours to provide a working environment free from unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation on the grounds of gender, age, marital status, race, colour, religion, disability, sexuality, ethnic or national origin.
The Artroom aims to maintain an inclusive environment where all individuals can access the activities that it provides. However, if after reasonable adjustment has been made for an individual student whose needs require a significantly higher level of input, The Artroom reserves the right to ask that the student should not return unless a plan can be implimented to support that individual. In this situation they will be given a pro rata refund of the sessions that have not been attended in that study unit.
The Artroom will not tolerate acts which breach this policy and all instances of such behaviour or alleged behaviour will be taken seriously and fully investigated.
The Artroom will not tolerate acts made by students that breach this policy. If appropriate, adult students will be asked to leave the class. For young people the issue will be brought up with their adult carer, and if there is no change in behaviour pattern they will be asked to leave. A pro rata refund for classes that are left in the course will be refunded. Should the incident be deemed serious, then appropriate authorities will be consulted.
The Artroom undertakes to distribute and publicise this policy statement to all team members and elsewhere, when appropriate.
Any team member or student who believes that they may have been subjected to treatment which breaches this policy must feel confident to report the matter to the appropriate bodies.
1/4/24 to be reviewed 1/4/25