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Welcome to your first watercolour project


This Artvid will help you create this charming watercolour picture of a turtle. It is a fairly straight forward project just to get you going. Make sure you have already watched the basics art videos

(click here if you have not). 


I suggest that you watch this video through completely before you start to try the painting.

Use the settings at the bottom of the playback screen to stop and start it whilst you are working.

You can even make it fill your screen so it is easier to see. 

Project 1
Play Video
Remember, if you have any questions at all, do get in touch using the contact details below. I want to be there for every step of the way.
When you have finished this project, take a photo and send it to me if you can. when I know you have finished this project we can arrange our first one to one online tutorial to discuss how this project went and where you want to go next.
I really look forward to seeing how you get on.
All the best,
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